Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Mountains Are Calling

           So those of you who know me from the last year know that I went to these amazing Tetons mountains and I fell in love. Like waaayyyyy in love. The beauty of these mountains captures your heart. You can't look away. You can't help but hold your breath. Can't help but thank God for the magnificence in front of you.  I had my Jesus cry at the top of can check that out here in my Out of Death Came Life post. I did climb part of it and looked over a scary rock. 
     Through the struggles God took my mountain and help me climb it. He helped me hike up switch back after switch back. He didn't move it for me, but he did grab my hand when I needed it. So of course I wanted something to remember this wonderful trip and to remember that all it took was the faith to get to where I am.  Tattoo #9 came! I am in love with it! I put it on my right lower arm. It is the exact outline of the sticker I randomly found at the store down the road from our rental we had.  I love this part of my story. I love that I have my mountains in my heart and on my arm. BUTTTTT....
I didn't stop there. I mean duh---I got a hand painted bible! I sent the artist a couple pictures from my trip and she did a wonderful job! She put Jeremiah 29:11 & Matthew 17:20 on the front of it as well.
I am super excited to wrinkle the pages of this bible. Write my thoughts and prayers inside. Add some highlight and dates to when God brings something to my heart. For it to be carried through my story and live life with me on this new journey.

The mountains are calling and I must go.




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