Friday, January 6, 2017

My Heart

Ain't no gift like the present tense...long live the heart, long live the soul....

Getting my first present from my dad was by far one of my favorite things about this Christmas. 

Those that know me should know that pictures are my thing.  I love to capture life as it happens and

candidly. Yes, I know that we should all live in the moment.  I do, I just also make sure I snap

memories. So getting a photo album was awesome.  Michelle, Jacob, and  I Facetimed  Dad and June

so they for the first time watch us open up the gift.  It was special. Sharing a holiday with a part of

my family that I never got to before this year.   It was cool seeing where the Esparza's started and

where we have come from along the way. Plus, seeing me and Michelle at the end. Seeing our story

printed out for all of us to remember. AND....I got a cool AZ Cardinals shirt. I mean I have to root

for their team every now and then in football.   We also got to Facetime with Allen, Julie and Gianna

so we could all open our presents at the same time.  I am sooo thankful for technology and being able

to still "see" them and have us experience things like this together.  One day we will all get to be

together and spend a Christmas together. 

      We also got to have our normal Sister Christmas. Mom and I do our movie Christmas where we

go to the movies and eat hibachi. Its our thing and I love that we have this tradition for us two. As

much as children hate it I like that I'm a lot like my mom. (most days mom 😉) We normally have to

wait to get together since everyone has other dinners to attend and 2-3 are too many for one day.  The

last couple years we also switched up what we have for dinner. Its not the "normal" Christmas

dinner so we went with good ole Prater BBQ.  Then it's not a sister get together if a game isn't

played! Fun was had by all and many many laughs. 

       Life is good.  My heart is full. 

The Struggle is Part of the Story.


Esparza Style.. Custom Bottles Made

I got Julie saying Y'all!
Dad got his own Bottle!!

Gianna's response to the y'all sweatshirt. She asks why I say the word all the time

The Girls
My Sisters

Best Christmas Gift I prayed for :) 

Annual Movie and Hibachi for Christmas

Family Photo

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